UE Chess Game

The All time classic strategy game made entirely from the ground up in Unreal Engine 5. Take control of your army of Pawns, Rooks, Bishops, Knights, Queen, and King as you race your opponent to Checkmate. Make every move matter as you never know what your opponent is thinking. Features include Piece Killing, King Checking, Pawn Transformatons, Rook/King Castling, and a jazzy soundtrack (provided by Kevin MacLeod)

Pieces and Board models provided by:
Patrick McComber

Latest Gameplay


Gameplay Programmer
UI Programmer

Personal Project

January 2023 - March 2023

Unreal Engine 5.1 - C++
Visual Studio



  • Spawned in Board Cells on an 8 x 8 grid and spawned Chess Pieces at their rightful spots

  • Developed the individual Chess pieces that each have unique movement based on the grid system and make sure the player can’t move pieces to cells that piece can’t move to.

  • Programmed a system that allows the player to kill opposing pieces (if possible) and place’s the killed piece in a designated area on the board based on the piece’s team.

  • Created a shader that renders on top of the board to visualize to the player where the piece they’ve selected can and not move towards, plus highlight the pieces they can kill with a different colour.

  • Wrote an algorithm that checks the enemy teams moves next to the opposing king and his pieces in order to check if the King is in Check or Checkmate.

  • Developed a system lets the user transform their pawn into any piece they desire once the pawn hits the end of the board.

  • Created a Main Menu and HUD to show whose turn it is, to allow the player to select a transformation piece for the Pawn and to inform the player when they’ve been Check or Checkmated all using UMG

  • Added Music, Sound effects and animations to the pieces to add polish.

  • Fixed many bugs and crashes using Visual Studio and Unreal Engine Debug tools in order to make the game the best product it can be



Wheel Spinner